Could Wyatt House – the former care home on Mathews Way, Paganhill – have a future as a community centre?

Paganhill Community Group has been using the former Baptist church – re-named The Octagon – off Farmhill Lane as our Food Hub during Covid. However, our continued use of this building is currently being negotiated, so we are also looking at other options for a permanent base.
Wyatt House has been empty since 2019. As Jaqui Smith, Chair of Paganhill Community Group recalls: “It was a sad day for many when it closed; it is a loved building and unique. Paganhill Community Group would like to see it become a Community Hub and have written a plan which has been well received by local Councillors, Stroud and South Gloucestershire College, The Grace Network and Stroud Town Council.
“Now we need to convince the building’s owner Gloucestershire County Council that local people need this building and that Paganhill Community Group can make it work as a Community Hub.
“We would like to hear what you think of the plan and if you have any ideas to add.” Please email
Here is the pdf of the plan.
2 replies on “Wyatt House – a community venue?”
I find it unacceptable to leave a building like Wyatt House empty for such a long time! There is clearly a need for a space where the local community can meet, and parts of this building would be well suited to this. As the building is extensive, I would also suggest that other parts could be used to provide housing for people who are in need, for example victims of domestic abuse who are forced to leave their homes. There are many people in Stroud who are homeless or struggling to keep a roof over their heads, so please use the space in Wyatt House to alleviate this problem!
I look forward to assisting you in any way I can, and helping the Local Community thrive.
All the best,
Rich Williams
AKA Gaming Bear